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Dupukuria, Murshidabad

NJB’s intervention in Murshidabad District

The demand for Jute Diversified Products (i.e. Fancy Jute Sheet Bag, Jute Fiber Bags, wall Hanging, Jute  Mats, Jute Yarn. Jute Toys, Jute Garments etc) in the market is increasing day to day. It has also been  experienced that the product of such quality has a sizeable demand not only in West Bengal but also all  over the country and rest of the world also. The product is absolute environment friendly and easily  degraded and decomposed ultimately in the soil. Having specialized knowledge in marketing during the  training period, the WSHG members are very much competent to sell the products to the local markets /  wholesale market. NATIONAL JUTE BOARD is also playing a vital role to play to provide marketing  opportunity of the jute handicraft products produced by the WSHGs. 

Jutesree Mahila WSHG – sound of success

Trade: Jute handicraft

The living style of people of the village of Dupukuria under Beldanga-II block Murshidabad district was  not different from other villages. Most of the people of this village were marginal farmers and also  engaged in the field of agricultural activities. With this meagre income they can not afford minimum requirements of life. To meet any financial crisis, they bound to take loan from money lenders with high  rate of interest. But Tapati Malakar and other women of this village had a strong desire to lead a fulfilled  life. Tapati, Supriya, Pratima and others were prepared themselves for trying too hard everyday to make  both ends meet. So when the NGO named, Suksagar Road Palpara Vivekananda Mission, Palpara,  Chakdaha, Nadia stepped in with the idea of facilitating a self help group, the women came forward with a  lot of enthusiasm.

After a few orientation classes conducted by the Facilitator in support of the formation  of self help group, the women members were convinced that it would change their life for the better  future. Thus ‘Jutesree Mahila WSHG’ was formed in the year 2009 consisted with 14 members by opening  a Bank account at Dopukuria SKUS, A/c No – SHG – 003 .In order to know more about functions and  benefits of the group ,they regularly attended the meeting of the SHG members in the presence of the  Facilitator of NGO, Suksagar Road Palpara Vivekananda Mission. At the time of formation of WSHG, the  NGO assured the members of the group that after a few months all the members to be covered with  training programmes on jute Handicraft products under the sponsorship of National Jute Board (NJB) Govt.  of India, Ministry of Textiles under Jute Technology Mission at the village of Dupukuria. Accordingly the  names of all the members were included to the list of the basic training programme on Jute Handicraft held  from 21-10-2009 to 10-11-2009. They took the Basic Training organized by the NGO, Suksagar Road Palpara  Vivekananda Mission, in a successful manner and subsequently they have also got the chance of Advanced  Training programme held from 16-04-2010 to 30-04-2010 at the village. Having gathered updated skill /  technology/marketing concepts/proper maintenance of accounts from the training programme, the group members had decided to set up a Jute Handicrafts unit with the financial support from the Dopukuria  SKUS. At the same time NATIONAL JUTE BOARD (NJB) also extended kind cooperation by sanctioning 1 no.  31 K Sewing Machine for her group for production purpose. WSHG members had taken a vital role in  convincing the other members to join the project. The group purchased machineries, furniture etc for the  unit. The NATIONAL JUTE BOARD (NJB) authorities and the facilitating NGO always extending their kind  cooperation and escort services for the group to ensure marketing of the products of the group. The role of the NATIONAL JUTE BOARD (NJB) in the field of marketing is praiseworthy. Under the banner of NATIONAL  JUTE BOARD (NJB) it has been possible for the WSHG to participate in the various fairs like ‘Poush Mela – 2009, 23-26 December, 2009 at Biswabharati campus, Bolpur , Santiniketan, Krishnasayarer Utsav-2010  held from 1st-10th January, 2010 at Burdwan. From this participation they received bulk orders for  supplying the Jute Handicrafts products. The group members are today feeling proud and satisfied with the  efforts taken by them in achieving success. They say that the group mechanism is most suited for illiterate  women as all the members could pool their resources and talents in running such ventures.

Srima Jute Mahila SHG – United we stand

Trade: Jute handicraft

Many times , we have witnessed, when circumstances so demand ,how women have come forward to  shoulder greater responsibilities. One such instance is of Purnima Dey, Nilima Mondal, Mithu Mistry  …., residing in a small village near Haridasmati, Berhampur Block Murshidabad district. Purnima Dey is a  leading character in the process of formation of Women self help group .One day Purnima Dey, Nilima  Mondal, Mithu Mistry heard the news that the facilitator of an NGO named Suksagar Road Palpara  Vivekananda Mission is motivating the women people in the locality in support of formation of Women Self  Help Group. Without delay she and other women people of the locality to the Facilitator and get informed  about all the benefits of SHG and within very short period they formed the self help group with 16  members in the name of Srima Jute Mahila SHG in the year 2010 by opening savings account at the BGVB  Berhampore Branch (Account No.5076010887588 –Opening date 29-11-2010-Date of formation of group 15-05-2010). After few months of savings they were taking the benefits of inter lending process. Every  members of the group were enjoying the loan facility on priority basis in times of need instead of going to  the moneylender for taking loan at high rate of interest. Meanwhile, the NGO approached the WSHG  members to take part in the Basic Training programme on Jute Handicrafts with the support of National  Jute Board at that village. Without delay , they had availed the opportunity to undergo Basic Training  programme on Jute Handicrafts held from 15-01-2011 to 04-02-2011 under the sponsorship of National  Jute Board. After completion of Basic Training programme successfully the group members had taken  another training programme called Advance Training on Jute Handicrafts held from 12-07-2011 to 26-07-2011 for upgrade  the design development and other technological support offered by the NGO under the patronage of  National Jute Board. The training programme on Jute Handicrafts taught them the basics of  entrepreneurship and enterprise management. Equipped with all the support systems from the NGO and  the National Jute Board , the women members had decided to launch a unit for production of Jute  Handicrafts product by utilizing group fund as well as by taking bank finance collectively. Some of the fund  was utilized to purchase plant and machineries and the balance was kept for meeting working capital  requirement. With in very short period the group members produced different jute handicrafts items e.g.  Cap, side bag, door chain, parts etc. The group members are now getting the advantages from the National  Jute Board for marketing their products in different fairs under the sponsorship of National Jute Board. In  the fair the group members gathered a lot of experiences regarding marketing of handicraft items. They are now taking bulk order from different business houses and supplying the same within the stipulated period.  Purnima and her group members now feel that Jute Handicrafts training has helped them to make the right  choice in selecting the activity. The every members of the Srima Jute Mahila SHG is now earning Rs.2,600/- through engaging themselves in the activities of Jute Handicrafts production. Also it has imparted a lot of  confidence in the first generation like Purnima Dey, Nilima Mondal, Mithu Mistry ….and others to go ahead  and take risk.  
