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10:00 AM

Kalinarayanpur, Nadia

Jute Activities in Nadia District

In order to promote Jute Diversified activities under Jute Technology Mission , Suksagar Road Palpara  Vivekananda Mission (a cluster development agency ) involved members of WSHGs in the field of Jute  Diversified products in the district and finally formed 42 WSHGs among the economically backward women  in different jute cultivation areas. Suksagar Road Palpara Vivekananda Mission has sincerely felt to work as  a Nodal Agency and came forward to take responsibility to promote livelihood of rural artisans by  improving their skill for producing sophisticated products from Jute Diversification, as there is ample scope  of supply of raw materials available in the surrounding jute cultivation area. It is worth mentioning that the  activity is considered as a prime occupation for a good number of WSHG members/ rural artisans since  long. With the introduction of skill based training programme among the WSHGs in the district of Nadia we  noticed that it has been possible to cover most of the members in the process of the training programme  and equipped themselves with various inputs such as Organizational, Technological, financial support,  inventory management, marketing strategies. After completion of 36 months of our engagement in the  field of promotion of Jute diversified products among the Women Self Help groups in the District, the  economic condition of the WSHGs developed rapidly. The statement of the development study along with  all other supporting information for all the members of WSHGs engaging in the field of Jute Diversified  product in the district is annexed herewith. 

There is huge demand of Jute Diversified Products (i.e. Fancy Jute Sheet Bag, Jute Fiber Bags, Wall Hanging,  Jute Mats, Jute Yarn. Jute Toys, Jute Garments etc) in the market throughout the state. It has also been  experienced that the product of such quality has a sizable demand not only in West Bengal but also all  over India and abroad also. We are well aware about the biodegradable character of jute as an  environment friendly product ,it is also easily decomposed ultimately in the soil. There is an ample scope  for marketing of jute handicrafts items in local markets. Having specialized knowledge in marketing during  the training period, the WSHG members are now very much competent to sell the products to the local markets / wholesale market. NATIONAL JUTE BOARD (NJB) is also playing a pivotal role by providing  marketing opportunities for the jute handicraft products produced by the WSHGs. We are presenting below a  collection of wonderful memories of the magnificent performances by the WSHGs of Nadia District for your  convenience.

Kalpataru Mahila SHG – Weaving Dreams

Trade : Jute Handloom

Several traditional occupations in India have suffered a setback due to modern approaches. The story  of Kalinarayanpur Village, Ranaghat-I Block in Nadia District was no different. Sporadic income did little  to improve the socio economic condition of the people of this village. The men involved daily labour basis activities and the women also engaged with their husband for helping them. What they brought  home could not ensure basic needs of a family. But the people did not resign to their fate. Though the  source of the income of most of the families of this village are based on the unorganized sector, the women  of the village stepped up alternative income generation process of defying sporadic nature of income and  bringing in a fresh ray of hope. The turning point was on 24-01-2010 when ‘Kalpataru Mahila S.H.G’  facilitated by an NGO, named Suksagar Road Palpara Vivekananda Mission, Palpara, Chakdaha, Nadia.  Encouraged by the Facilitator of the NGO, the group consisting of 12 members contributed Rs. 20 per  month to start the savings by opening a Savings account (A/c No. 110001011) at UBI- Kalinarayanpur  Branch on 02-02-2010. At the same time the members of WSHG came to know that the NGO is taking  initiatives to cover all the group members in the modern approach of imparting some training courses on  Jute diversified products at Kalinarayanpur under the banner of National Jute Board (NJB) Govt. of India,  Ministry of Textiles under Jute Technology Mission. Accordingly within very short period all the members of  the group were selected for the Basic Training on Jute Handloom held from 29-03-2010 to 19-04-2010 at Kalinarayanpur and successfully completed the training on Jute Handloom under the patronage of National  Jute Board. After acquiring basic knowledge on production of Jute Fabric, the group members also took  Advance Training on Jute Handloom sponsored by National Jute Board held from 24-08-2010 to 07-09-2010  to become fully equipped on the sophisticated concept of production of different designs of jute fabric. The  training programmes also taught the members of the WSHG, the basics of entrepreneurship and enterprise  management .They learnt all that was required to run an enterprise successfully. After successful  completion of the Training programme the group members decided to join together and start a group  venture in Jute Handloom production with their group Savings. It is a matter of pride that as desired by the  members of the WSHG for setting up JDP unit of Jute Handloom with sophisticated machineries, the CDA , Suksagar Road Palpara Vivekananda Mission had approached to the National Jute  Board authority for providing Handloom machines to the WSHG group collectively. After considering the  proposal of the group the National Jute Board Authorities had sanctioned 2 nos Chittaranjan Handloom Machine at the cost of Rs. 23,100.00 each machine and within in very short period National Jute Board  reimbursed the bills of the machines. The Unit has now been working for a period of one year as a  successful one including proper maintenance of accounts in a simple manner. It is note worthy to mention  that the National Jute Board authorities are playing a vital role to boost up the confident of the group  members for running the enterprise successfully. In order to develop the marketing skills as well as for bulk  order the WSHGs members are taking continuous support from the National Jute Board authorities and  participating different fairs and exhibitions sponsored by National Jute Board like ‘Tex-Trends India 2012’ in  Delhi and GiftTex Summer Show from 10-13 February, 2012 at Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai under the  banner of National Jute Board. It is a matter of pride that in the ‘Gifttex summer show’ the group has  received a bulk order on Jute Fabric from different Export marketing companies. Right from the formation  of the Women Self Help Group they are practicing Rt. strategies for marketing their products at different  corners of India. It is a remarkable achievement of the group that they are receiving bulk orders from  different fairs as well as from other business houses and supplying sophisticated multi designed jute fabrics. Presently the earning capacity of WSHG members near about 3,500/-per month individually. Now  the Group members say ‘our income has enhanced the economic status and has ushered in a sea change in  people’s attitude towards us’. Thus the members of the ‘Kalpataru Mahila SHG’ proved that untiring labour,  perseverance and strong determination never go unpaid. WSHG members are also participated In the  Design Dissemination Workshop – Development of New Range of Jute Fabric.

Under National Jute Board project, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, Organised by – National Institute of  Research on Jute & Allied Fibre Technology In association with – Suksagar Road Palpara Vivekananda  Mission, Palpara, Chakdaha, Nadia.

Trade : Jute Bags

The traditional view point that a woman’s domain is her home is being changed by the members of the  Saroda Mahila SHG of Road Station, Krishnanagar – I Block , Nadia , whose domain has expanded  beyond their home. Before formation of the group the most of the members were engaged in the field of cultivation with their husband as marginal labourer.

The pecuniary condition of them was below poverty  line and it was too much cumbersome for them to maintain the basic requirements of life with their  children. In the year 2010 , one day the women inhabitants of Krishnagar heard the news that a survey  work is conducting by an NGO, named Suksagar Road Palpara Vivekananda Mission, Palpara, Chakdaha,  Nadia (Cluster Development Agency of National Jute Board (NJB) Govt. of India , Ministry of Textiles under  Jute Technology Mission) to identify the potential members of the area for the formation of Women self  help group for the purpose of imparting skill based training of Jute diversified products in the area of  Krishnanagar – I Block. The women members became interested about it and approached the Facilitator of  the NGO to get more information about the programme. Having informed about the details of the  programme, the women members decided to form the Women self help group consisting 14 members and  the group was formed on 12-08-2010 in the name of Saroda Mahila SHG by opening a Bank account at  BGVB, Road Station Branch on 10-09-2010 (A/c No. 4537). After formation of WSHG, the members were  regularly maintaining books of accounts, holding meetings of the group in a systematic approach. With in  very short period they came to know that the NGO is going to organize the Basic Training Programme on  Jute Bags supported by National Jute Board at Krishnanagar among the newly formed WSHG members and  immediately contacted the Facilitator and obtained detailed information of the programme. They appeared  for the interview for the selection process of the proposed programme and got selected. The Basic training  programme was for a period from 14.01.2011 to 03.02.2011.The training module contained management  inputs and technical sessions including practical sessions for production of Fancy Jute bags. The members  easily picked up the skills in producing Fancy Jute bag items. After successful completion of Basic Training  programme they also took Advance Training Programme on Jute Bag for applying sophisticated technology  in the production of Fancy Jute bags held from 14-04-2011 to 04-05-2011 under the sponsorship of  National Jute Board (NJB), Govt. of India. The training programme made the WSHG members familiar with  the procedures of setting up of independent unit and how to manage it profitably. After acquiring  adequate knowledge from the training programme for setting up Fancy Jute Bag production unit, the group  members made up a plan to set up independent unit for the group by utilizing the group fund. Immediately  they got the information from the Facilitator of the NGO that the National Jute Board authority is going to  provide Sewing machine for Jute Bags trainee of WSHGs. The members of the Sarada Mahila SHG had taken  the opportunity to purchase 1 no 31 K Usha Brand sewing machine at the cost of Rs. 8500.00 by utilizing  group savings and after submission of the bill National Jute Board had reimbursed the cost of the machine.

Now they are producing export quality Jute Bags and along with her other group members are  participating different fairs and other markets sponsored by National Jute Board. It is noteworthy to  mention that the effort of National Jute Board in the field of marketing of SHG products is remarkable.  Under the banner of National Jute Board, it has been possible for the WSHG to participate in the various  fairs like ‘Karigar Haat’ – 2008 on behalf of WSHGs at Central Park, Salt Lake, Kolkata (14.11.2008 to  23.11.2008) ,‘Industrial Trade Fair and Seminar- Destination – 2009’ at Purulia (20th & 21st February, 2009)  and ‘Exhibition cum Sale’ at Lahabazar, Kamarpukur, Hooghly ( 27th February to 11th March, 2009),‘Trade  Fair & Seminar, Purulia –2009, at Purulia Club Premises, Organized by Purulia Rotary Club on 20th and 21st February, 2009 ,Poush Mela -2009 23-26 December, 2009 at Biswabharati campus, Bolpur, Santiniketan, Krishnasayarer Utsav-2010 held from 1st-10th January, 2010 at Burdwan. From different fairs the group  members are taking bulk orders from the business houses and supplying the fancy Jute bag items with joint effort of every member of the group. Now their products has managed to reach the demand to all the  section of the society. Since the demand  for the product has gone up, the group members are in the process of upgrading the unit with more  machineries. Presently the earning capacity of WSHG members near about 2,800/- per month individually.  The members feel overwhelmed by the success that could achieve and is grateful to Suksagar Road Palpara  Vivekananda Mission and the National Jute Board for organizing the training.
