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Solar Energy

Solar Energy: Robi Solar Corporation will install panels to bring electricity and accessibility to families who live remote from civilization. ROBI Solar installed this panel in KULTOLI in SUNDARBAN village where there was no electricity. Now, students are coming day and evening for their school and coaching class.

India’s lack of electricity illustrates the poverty gap Up to a third of India’s population, close to 400 million people, are not connected to the national grid. Five hundred Bengal tigers live in the largest mangrove forest on earth, situated on the border of India and Bangladesh. But so do more than a million humans. Every year the tigers attack up to 60 people, and only half survive to tell the tale.

Empowering Communities: Robi Solar through their project has brought electricity and accessibility in the lives of people who have been operating remotely from the rest of the civilization. Over 10 families have electricity and children are able to use good quality of light to do their homework after dark.

We are proud to be fortunate enough to help the unfortunate. Every religion preached us to be generous to the poor. Why is the conflict? because of  lack of education, electricity, safe drinking waters, etc. How to resolve these conflicts.

We had three revolutions that changed our destiny one is Agricultural revolutions, second one is Industrial revolution and third that is we are now experiencing Information & technological revolutions with AI. This revolution is causing us a lot of good but side effects are tremendous miseries. Now you have to be educated otherwise you will be left behind by the society. Bill and Melinda Gates told us to give up half of our fortune but we South East Asians are way behind. We built temples, Masques but forgot to build Schools, Hospitals, etc. We quarrel each other for who will be first.

When I visited India this year I saw poverty, no electricity, no toilets, no hospitals, no schools. Recently I went to see the Sunderban near Kolkata for about 100 KM. No lights, one school within 20 miles, one college within 40 miles. After the dark tiger kills people because they go outside in the jungle to take potty. What a miserable life?

Please we have to do something otherwise I can see conflicts will be coming and the whole world will be in mess. We are building fences to curb immigrants from entering the USA, Europe and in India. Did East Germany succeed?

Warren Buffet once told Elite Columbia college students in front of Bill Gates to succeed in life you have to find better halves. If Melinda Gates refuses to give her half, can Bill Gates succeed or fulfill his dreams

Therefore I appeal to all of my sisters and brothers of the whole world to do something for humanity. If you can not give 50% please give at least 10%.

Do not buy expensive merchandise instead save money in piggy banks.

I am optimistic I came to Switzerland with Eight Dollars in 1969. Now I am in the USA all my children are well established. So I have decided to help the needy throughout my rest of life. According to Indian tradition we are in four quadrants, 1 year to 25 years Childhood and education, 26 years to 50 years taking care of families, 51 years to 75 years travel the world then you will know what is your country is lagging from other countries and try to rectify the misdeed and 76 years to rest of the life in seclusion.

I am happy now everybody has a mobile phone and without laptops they can access the internet therefore bad rulers are afraid of their citizens. Nowadays you do not need wiring for phone, television or electricity. By renewable energy we can save the earth from climate change and future low land flooding disasters, projections show that Florida, Bangladesh, Philippines will merge with seas. 

I am now involved with a philanthropic organization called ANUKAR Charitable Foundation to eradicate cancers and poverty in the whole world.

I have started Robisolar Corporation so that I can give them solar lantern for Rupees 2100.00 (for USD divide this by approximately 84), one street lights for Rupees 15000.00 and one house with 2 solar bulbs, one fan and one television connection for Rupees 63000.00 (USD 875.00).

Is it too much to ask? And it is Tax deductible(?) if you want to choose , you can choose your village anywhere in India where I am now concentrating later on in the whole world.

If you want me to create a conflict Zone free society I am sure you will help me. Can you give me 27 names of your close relatives who are still alive at 76 or older. Please do something and see the fruit in your own lifetime. You will see heaven and hell in your own lifetime. Do some good and do not want anything to replace these honorable good deeds
